=== Regenerate Thumbnails === Contributors: Viper007Bond Donate link: http://www.viper007bond.com/donate/ Tags: thumbnail, thumbnails Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 2.9 Stable tag: trunk Allows you to regenerate all thumbnails after changing the thumbnail sizes. == Description == Regenerate Thumbnails allows you to regenerate the thumbnails for all of your image attachments. This is very handy if you've changed any of your thumbnail dimensions (via Settings -> Media) after previously uploading images. == Installation == ###Updgrading From A Previous Version### To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, delete the entire folder and files from the previous version of the plugin and then follow the installation instructions below. ###Installing The Plugin### Extract all files from the ZIP file, making sure to keep the file structure intact, and then upload it to `/wp-content/plugins/`. Then just visit your admin area and activate the plugin. ###Plugin Usage### Visit Tools -> Regen. Thumbnails to get started. **See Also:** ["Installing Plugins" article on the WP Codex](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins) == Screenshots == 1. The plugin at work. == ChangeLog == **Version 2.0.1** * I accidentally left a `check_admin_referer()` (nonce check) commented out. **Version 2.0.0** * Recoded from scratch. Now uses an AJAX request per attachment to do the resizing. No more PHP maximum execution time errors or anything like that. Also features a pretty progress bar to let the user know how it's going. **Version 1.1.0** * WordPress 2.7 updates -- code + UI. Thanks to jdub and Patrick F. **Version 1.0.0** * Initial release.