Level 5, 358 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000

General enquieries:
Ph: (03) 9602 3124

Katy Roberts
Studio Manager

Ph: +61 421 932 588

Rhett Wade-Ferrell
Executive Producer

Cell: +1 347-563-0110




Via Tania (13.04.10)

Rhett's new video for Via Tania's Fields is finally out! It's a journey...

Via Tania - Fields


The very Last Dinosaurs (12.04.10)

Warran discovers childish nonsensical macabre in the new home-movie for little pals Last Dinosaurs. See a man grooming his beard - watch Honolulu today.

Via Tania - Fields


The Temper Trap (06.04.10)

Earlier this year Moop Jaw worked with Daniel Eskils from Partizan on The Temper Trap's new video for Sweet Disposition. Production servicing by Moop jaw. Read about it!..

Via Tania - Fields


Moonlight Hours (02.02.10)

A video for The Holidays' song Moonlight Hours, directed by Spike Frazer.

Via Tania - Fields


Via Tania - Fields (20.01.10)

Just finished a three days shoot for Via Tania in Mount Buller, farkin cold.

Via Tania - Fields


The Temper Trap - Art Direction & Production by Moop Jaw (16.01.10)

We just finished shooting the third clip for Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap. Directed by Sweedish director Daniel Eskills we were asked to production service the shoot in Melbourne by Partizan. Our boys Antuong Nguyen & Simon Boucher took care of Art Direction for the video. Coming soooooooon!

Via Tania - Fields


New PEACHES video (12.01.10)

Antuong Nguyen's 'explosive' new video for Mommy Complex by Peaches is here. Boys and their toys!

Peaches -  Mommy Complex


New Sally Seltman (20.12.10)

The new Sally Seltman video by Antuong Nguyen is finished! Much sun, even more love, and a little cake...

Sally Seltman - Harmony To My Heartbeat


Moop Jaw X Movember (19.11.09)

The Movember Exhibition in New York City at Open House Gallery has wrapped up. You can see the videos by Ryan and Rhett via our Vimeo profile, and click below for pics!

Moop Jaw X Movember


Oh JOY !!! (19.11.09)

Short doccumentary on fasion designer Christian Joy and her genius husband Jason Grisell coming in 2010!!! Read it here...

Christiane Joy docu


U.S.A. wa A..O.K. (19.11.09)

Pedestrian interview Rhett about our recent trip to America to shoot Neon Indian. Read it here...

Neon Indian


Peaches, extra cream (30.09.09)

Boys with their glow sticks out, 'appreciating' Peaches in the upcoming video for Mommy Complex (produced by Digitalism) directed by Antuong Nguyen. Coming... soon.

Peaches bitch!!


Miami Horror (29.09.09)

Six days in a tropical location, tents, goannas, sea kayaks, wierd looking spiders, and models that can tap dance. This shoot was so much fun we almost forgot about the video we were making for Sometimes by Miami Horror. Coming out October, followed by their debut album with artwork by Moop Jaw later this year...

Miami Horror


Polo Club (25.09.09)

Subdued beauty in the new video for Shouldn't Let Him Out by Polo Club, directed by Antuon Nguyen. Cameo appearances include Jesus Christ, 2 pizza ravers, and an orca.

Polo Club


We Are The Children (26.08.09)

FOR THE KIDS !!! This new video for Beni (feat. Sam Sparro) features our 9 new best friends. More soccer games and pizza parties to come! directed by Rhett Wade-Ferrell & Warran Wright.



Goodmorning Sun (26.06.09)

The latest colaboration between Moop Jaw director Antuong Nguyen and artist Cailan Burns, with the help of animator Chris Northey. If the makers of Toy Story developed an allergy to their lives they might make this.



Ultra-extraordinary (18.06.09)

Who are you? Where am I? And am I talking to a pole? Yes, duh. Ryan 'Gordon Zola' Frazer makes his directorial debut for MOOP JAW, obliterating all expectations and making Red Riders members feel all creepy like. Sure, singer Al plays it cool at the start, but ends up running like a very manly woman. A very sexy manly woman.

Gordon Zola


Club Baddddd LIVE (16.04.09)

We've finally had time to finish the online edit of a 1 hour visual set we created for Larry Tee's Club Badd Tour. If you can imagine this 30 times longer, 1000 times louder and 275 times sweatier then you're getting warmer... So are we!

Larry Tee


Hawnay pics (06.04.09)

Some hawnay photos from our shoot for 'Underneath The Ocean.' Kind words and pictures courtesy of Vice Cooler (Hawnay Troof).



Qua preview (22.03.09)

Post production is almost complete for the new Qua music video. Featuring character designs by Cailan Burns; interdimensional escapism performed in underwear by Qua himself...

Qua preview


Solid Gold (10.03.09)

New video for 'Solid Gold', first single from The Golden Filter (NY). Rated AI for astral intercourse...

The Golden Filter


Hawnay Troof (22.02.09)

Just finished the new video for 'Underneath The Ocean' by Hawnay Troof. Yet to be released so keep your eyes PEEELED!!!

Hawnay Troof