The creators enjoy a day of gardening with their life-changing new invention.

Project #1: The Two Liter Twister

For my first project, I decided I wanted to make some kind of science-fair type demonstration. I thought about making the world's greatest baking soda volcano, but it seemed like well-worn territory. So I Googled science projects, and eventually found some good ideas here. The first thing I wanted to try was the anitgravity boulder. My roommate and I hit the Party Pig and bought several different styles of balloon, but we soon realized none of them were big enough to make a worthwhile boulder. So we decided to try and build a tornado generator box instead. After searching everywhere for a boxer fan with no luck, we decided to try creating our own version by cutting slits in a two liter bottle and using a vacuum cleaner to provide the necessary suction. This worked ok, but we needed to make the slits bigger, so we used clothespins to widen them out a bit. Next we needed to see more mist from the dry ice, so we put some wadded up paper towels in the vacuum to slow the twister down. The final touch was the duct tape. This holds the clothespins at 90 degrees to each other for maximum cyclone action. The contraption may not be pretty, but it sure does generate some damn fine tornados.

Watch the magic two liter dance the dance of 1,000 roses!

(home) (phil) (mad-lisp)