=== Collapsing Categories === Contributors: robfelty Donate link: http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins Plugin URI: http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins Tags: categories, sidebar, widget Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 2.7 Stable tag: 0.8.5 This plugin uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapsable the set of posts for each category. == Description == This is a very simple plugin that uses Javascript to form a collapsable set of links in the sidebar for the categories. Every post corresponding to a given category will be expanded. It is largely based off of the Fancy Categories Plugin by Andrew Rader == Installation == IMPORTANT! Please deactivate before upgrading, then re-activate the plugin. Unpackage contents to wp-content/plugins/ so that the files are in a collapsing-categories directory. = Widget installation = Activate the plugin, then simply go the Presentation > Widgets section and drag over the Collapsing Categories Widget. = Manual installation = Activate the plugin, then insert the following into your template: (probably in sidebar.php) ` \n"; wp_get_categories(your_options_here); echo "\n"; } ?> ` == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I change the style of the collapsing categories lists? = The collapsing categories plugin uses several ids and classes which can be styled with CSS. You can change the default style from the collapsing categories options (settings) page. You may have to rename some of the id statements. For example, if your sidebar is called "myawesomesidebar", you would rewrite the line #sidebar li.collapsCat {list-style-type:none} to #myawesomesidebar li.collapsCat {list-style-type:none} = How do I use different symbols for collapsing and expanding? = If you want to use images, you can upload your own images to http://yourblogaddress/wp-content/plugins/collapsing-categories/img/collapse.gif and expand.gif There is an option for this. = I have selected a category to expand by default, but it doesn't seem to work = If you select a sub-category to expand by default, but not the parent category, you will not see the sub-category expanded until you expand the parent category. You probably want to add both the parent and the sub-category into the expand by default list. = I can't get including or excluding to work = Make sure you specify category names, not ids. = How can I eliminate the line spacing between categories? = Add a line to the collapscat.css file in the .sym class, like so: .sym {font-family:monospace; font-size:1.5em; line-height:1.5em; padding-right:5px;} = There seems to be a newline between the collapsing/expanding symbol and the category name. How do I fix this? = If your theme has some css that says something like #sidebar li a {display:block} that is the problem. You probably want to add a float:left to the .sym class = No categories are showing up! What's wrong?" = Are you using categories or tags? By default, collapsing categories only lists categories. Please check the options in the settings page (or in the widget if you are using the widget) = Is there a way for the settings chosen in the widget to apply to a manual instance? = Currently the plugin is designed to be used either as a widget or manually, but not both. Here is a workaround. Find out the id number of your collapsing category widget by looking at the html source. You should see something like: `
  • Categories

    ` Then, insert the following code where you would like to have it: `` == Screenshots == 1. a few expanded categories with default theme, showing nested categories 2. available options == Demo == I use this plugin in my blog at http://blog.robfelty.com == CAVEAT == Currently this plugin relies on Javascript to expand and collapse the links. If a user's browser doesn't support javascript they won't see the links to the posts, but the links to the categories will still work (which is the default behavior in wordpress anyways) == HISTORY == * 0.8.5 (2009.01.23) * fixed settings panel problems * 0.8.4 (2009.01.15) * fixed sql queries, which seems to be working for most people now * Got rid of empty quotes in query when no in/exclude is used * Added option to list categories, tags, or both * 0.8.3 (2009.01.08) * Refixed settings page for manual usage * Changed category query in the hopes that it works for more people * 0.8.2: (2009.01.07) * Added nofollow option * Added version to javascript * not loading unnecessary code for admin pages (fixes interference with akismet stats page * fixed settings page for manual usage * 0.8.1 (2009/01/06) * Finally fixed disappearing widget problem when trying to add to sidebar * Added debugging option to show the query used and the output * Moved style option to options page * 0.8 (2008/12/08) * fixed javascript bug where thisli.parentNode was null * made javascript more flexible so that all collapsing X plugins can share more code * Now adds default options to database upon activation for use manually * styling now done through an option * inline javascript moved to footer for faster page loading * 0.7.1 (2008/12/01) * fixed javascript bug in IE7 * 0.7 (2008/11/22) * Cookie handling now affects categories that are expanded by default too * Can now be used either as a widget or manually * Got rid of the stupid float left from 0.6.6 * 0.6.6 (2008/11/21) * Added a float left to .sym css to make it compatible with more themes * 0.6.5 (2008/11/18) * Now uses cookies to keep categories expanded if they have been clicked on * 0.6.4 (2008/11/10) * Fixed a minor bug in with animation option not being properly set by default * 0.6.3 (2008/10/03) * Added option to animate expanding and collapsing * Added option to add rss feeds for each category * 0.6.2 (2008/09/11) * Fixed display of expand and collapse symbols when using images * Improved font handling and styling of text symbols * 0.6.1 (2008/09/01) * Improved styling so that collapsing and expanding symbols use a fixed-width font, but category names do not * When using the option to have category names trigger expansion, and not showing posts, categories with no subcategories now link to the category * Added option to use images instead of html for collapse/expand characters * +/- now uses UTF-8 encoding instead of html entities (may not work for pages not encoded in UTF-8 * 0.6 (2008/08/27) * Can have multiple instances of widgets, each with separate options * No longer works as non-widget * All options are stored in one database row * Added more sorting options * Added option to include or exclude certain categories * Added option to expand certain categories by default * Added option to have category names either link to category archive or to activate expanding and collapsing * 0.5.10 (2008/08/20) * minor bug fix. Fixed option to optionally show pages * 0.5.9 (2008/08/07) * minor bug fix - added space before category count * Added option to sort by category (term) order * Added option to sort by category (term) count (note that it sorts by the count of the parent category, so categories with many subcategories, but not many posts themselves will be out of order * Added option to sort posts within categories * 0.5.8 (2008/06/15) * bug fix - category description now correctly appears in title attribute if there is a description for a given category * implemented a few more changes to work towards internationalization * 0.5.7 (2008/05/23) * fixed misnamed class in javascript (collapsArch -> collapsCat) * added font-family definition to css to make it monospace for +/- * added another option with brackets around the +/- * 0.5.6 (2008/05/23) * fixed bug such that subcategories would not display the expand and collapse icons * fixed bug that categories with subcategories that have posts, but do not have posts themselves will be displayed * Thanks to [Andy] (http://www.onkelandy.com/blog) for both of these bug notices * 0.5.5 (2008/05/19) * fixed bug - html now validates when not displaying posts * new option - choose between arrows or +- for expanding and collapsing * tweaked exclude option to function better with collapsing categories * 0.5.4 * fixed bug - was using hard-coded wp_ prefix in one SQL query. Now using $wpdb-> instead * 0.5.3 * count is now correct for all subcategories * 0.5.2 * Added option to exclude certain categories * Added option to sort categories by slug * 0.5.1 * options in widget seem to work now * removed duplicate entries due to tag + category * 0.5 * Added option to not show posts * Added option to change title in widget * Now is condensed into one plugin * 0.4.4 * using unicode number codes in css stylesheet * fixed bug with duplicate entries in subcategories * 0.4.3 * nicer list indenting * re-fixed permalink bug introduced sometime after version 0.3.5 * 0.4.2 * fixed bug with extraneous