=== Customize ===
Contributors: Julien De Luca
Donate link: http://www.jide.fr/english/downloads/customize
Tags: admin, theme, customize
Requires at least: 2.1
Tested up to: 2.7
Stable tag: 1.0.3

Customize plugin lets users easily customize themes that support the plugin.

== Description ==

This plugin lets users customize their theme easily, and themers provide customization options just by adding some special comments in css. 
Freshy 2 is the first theme to provide support for customize.
Easily customize your theme by changing images, colors, elements sizes, fonts or anything the theme provides customization options for.
Download the plugin, place the customize folder in your wordpress plugins folder, and then activate the plugin. A new tab will appear when you go to “Appearance”, named “Customize”, providing options for your theme if it is compatible.

== Installation ==

1. Copy the "customize" folder in the "plugins" folder in your wordpress directory.
2. Go to your wordpress administration.
3. Go to "Plugins" and activate the plugin.
4. A new tab appears under the "Presentation" menu, named "Customize Theme".

== Screenshots ==

1. With simple css rules, theme authors can provide customisation for their theme.