=== Plugin Name === Contributors: joetan Tags: flickr, photo album, gallery, photos, images, post, widget, admin Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.6 Stable tag: 1.1 This Flickr plugin for WordPress will allow you to pull in your Flickr photosets and display them as albums on your WordPress site. == Description == This Flickr plugin for WordPress will allow you to pull in your Flickr photosets and display them as albums on your WordPress site. There is a pretty simple template provided which you can customize to 100% match the look and feel of your own site. The plugin is customizable in a number of different ways. There are options to allow you to hook it up with a number of different Lightbox-style popup overlay display libraries. Third party commenting services such as Disqus are also supported, allowing your visitors to comment on your photos without hopping over to Flickr.com. A simple Flickr widget is also included to let you easily include your photos into your blog's sidebar. On the backend, this plugin will add a new Flickr icon to your WordPress edit screen which will allow you to easily insert your Flickr photos and albums into your blog posts with just a couple clicks. You can either have your inserted photos link back to your WordPress Flickr photo album or directly to your Flickr.com photo page. == Installation == 1. Upload `tantan-flickr` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Configure the plugin in the 'Options' (or 'Settings') screen by following the onscreen prompts. ## Documentation If you need more help installing and customizing templates, [see here for more information](http://code.google.com/p/photo-album/wiki/Documentation). Feel free to [post your question into the support group](www.flickr.com/groups/tantannoodles/) if you get stuck. == Examples & Thanks == Here's a couple sample installs from around the web. [Tan Tan Noodles](http://tantannoodles.com/photos/), [Felicia Day](http://feliciaday.com/photos/), [Making it Lovely](http://makingitlovely.com/photos/), [Slip Stream Sports](http://www.slipstreamsports.com/photos/), [Life of Justin](http://www.lifeofjustin.com/photos/), [72 Quadrat](http://72quadrat.de/blog/photos/), [Cake Journal](http://www.cakejournal.com/flickr/), [DCS Pride](http://www.dcspride.com/photos/). Special thanks to the awesome volunteers from around the Internet who helped translate this plugin: [Søren Siim Nielsen](http://www.bagkameraet.dk/), [Wilco Verdoold](http://www.linkedin.com/in/wilco), Thomas Sturm, Adrianus F. Tumewu, [Marco Balzerani](http://www.marcobalzerani.it/), Lindsey Yoo, [Hamid Reza](http://www.gozir.com/), [Jonathan Lumb](http://inchina.co.uk/), Guillermo Lopez, and [many others](https://translations.launchpad.net/tantan-flickr/trunk/+pots/tantan-flickr). == Screenshots == 1. Photo album implementation on a blog, generated by the plugin based on Flickr photosets 2. The Flickr media bar, which allows you to easily blog your Flickr photos 3. Popup window that allows you to choose a Flickr photo to insert into a blog post 4. The options available for inserting a photo into a blog post