=== WP-Footnotes === Contributors: drzax Tags: footnotes, post, posts, notes, reference, formatting, referencing, bibliography Requires at least: 2.0 Tested up to: 2.6 Stable tag: 3.3 Allows post authors to easily add footnotes to their posts. == Description == Easily add footnotes or sidenotes to any post using a simple mark-up which degrades (kind of) gracefully in the event that for some horrifying reason this plugin nolonger works. == Installation == 1. Upload the `wp-footnotes` folder and all it's contents to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. You're good to go! == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I use this plugin? = That's totally simple. Go and check out [the manual](http://elvery.net/drzax/more-things/wordpress-footnotes-plugin/). = Can I make a suggestion for a new feature? = Sure can! Add your feature request at [my bug tracking site](http://bugs.elvery.net) or send other feedback me via my [contact page](http://www.elvery.net/drzax/about/contact-author/). = Why aren't there more FAQs? = Because answers to pretty much all the questions that get asked frequently are in [the manual](http://elvery.net/drzax/more-things/wordpress-footnotes-plugin/). == Change Log == = 3.3 = - Bug fix: Not setting default options on install. = 3.2 = - Bug fix[49]: Made PHP 4.x compatible. Seems I've been living in the world of PHP 5 for so long I forgot there was an older *far* less OO world out there. - Bug fix[#880]: Footnote before and after blocks will not display anylonger if there are no footnotes (i.e. back to how it was before). = 3.1 = - Urgent bug fix release for 3.0. = 3.0 = - Major reorganisation to encapsulate the plugin in a class. - Removal of 'smooth scroll feature'. I decided this was better put into a theme if you want it. Instructions here: http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/09/animated-scrolling-with-jquery-12 - Pretty up the options screen to look more WP2.5ish. - Bug fix [37]: The notorious 'a' bug hopefully squashed forever. - Bug fix [47]: Removed all html tags from footnote before adding to title element. - Bug fix [46]: Replaced all double quotes (") with it's entity reference to ensure title attribute isn't closed early. - Feature [45]: Added ability to use symbols for footnotes and ability to change footnote style for individual posts. - Feature [1]: Added decimal-leading-zero as a style option. = 2.2 = - Bug fix: smooth scroll fixed (hopefully) = 2.1 = - Bug fix (already): updated variable name in admin page. = 2.0 = - Major updates to the way footnotes are extracted from text and generated. - Added option for whether or not identical footnotes are combined. - Added option to control the plugin's execution priority. - Changed a bunch of variable names to make conflects less likely. - Missing options now set at runtime when version is changed. - Added ability to reset options to default with one click. - Identifiers aren't links and backlinks don't exist when footnotes are displayed in feeds because most feed readers distroy intra-page links. - Multiple line footnotes are now possible. = 1.4 = - Enhancement: Added ability to turn off display of footnotes on certain kinds of pages. = 1.3.1 = - Bug fix: Removed errant testing echo. = 1.3 = - Bug fix: Links within footnotes now possible. = 1.2 = - Bug fix: Stopped creation of footnote on posts without any. Bug was introduced in v1.1. = 1.1 = - Bug fix: Link title text now correctly displayed. - Bug fix: Numbering issues when ref: style references used fixed. - Major change to the way ref: style references are processed. = 1.0.1 = - Minor updates to imbeded documentation. = 1.0 = - Changed method of extracting footnotes to use regex (should be more robust). - Support for different footnote numbering styles (decimal, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, lower-roman and upper-roman). - Reconfiguration of options page. - Added smooth-scroll feature. - Added default (and configurable) CSS for footnotes list. - Added options for adding text (or other markup) before and after the footnotes list. - Added classes to all markup generated by the plugin for easy styling. - Automatic legacy support. = 0.9.1 = - Fixed problems with display of back link text. - Fixed problems with display of pre and post link text. = 0.9 = - Compatability with WordPress 2.0.x (includes legacy support). - Change of mark up style. - Additional options, including before and after link text. - Basic support for paginated posts. = 0.1 = - The original seriously old-school release!