**************************************************************************************************************** TOMORROW THEME FOR WORDPRESS README FILE **************************************************************************************************************** - Theme description: Theme name Tomorrow Version 1.0.9 Author Andrea Pacquola Author URI http://www.pacquola.org/ Theme URI http://www.pacquola.org/tomorrow/ License Creative Commons GNU General Public License (GPL) License URI http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ Last updated 2008/11/17 Doctype XHTML 1.0 Strict Layout type three columns, fluid width Fonts Century Gothic, Lucida, Verdana, Arial (sans-serif) Font size proportional Alignment justified Spacing 175% Background dark gray Foreground white, silver, blue - Standards compliance: XHTML 1.0 Strict http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/ CSS version 2.1 http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/ WCAG 1.0 Level 'A' http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/ - Tested with: Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer 7 Mozilla Firefox 3 Opera 9 Google Chrome - Wordpress functions enabled: Tags Quicktags Widgets Gravatar Custom meta data Plugin API Hooks MySQL query count - Theme files: index.php Main template page.php Single page template variables.php User configuration variables functions.php Template functions for dynamic content comments.php Comment section template style.css Stylesheet for media : screen, print screenshot.png Preview image - Quick overview: This template is based on a table with three columns. Unlike normal Wordpress themes, it's generated entirely from index.php. The side columns are prepared to present either static content, either dynamic content, as widgets or advertisements. The main template provides a default toolbar on the right; the dynamic sidebars may be activated on both sides, also in the page template. The middle column is organized into three sections. The contents of each section is managed either using php control structures, either using the specific functions defined in 'functions.php'. These functions make it possible to integrate widgets, tag data, a 'page 404', and custom fields; to learn how to use the custom fields you may refer to the following reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Custom_Fields#Usage The upper section presents the title of the blog and the page title. The middle section presents the posts. In the bottom of each post some metadata are shown along the following criteria: - categories: always displayed, except for the 'uncategorized' posts. - tags: displayed if there are any. - custom fields: shown if custom fields are enabled. Internal keys are hidden. - trackback link: displayed if trackback is enabled. - comments number: displayed if it's greater than 0 and comments are open. The lower section of the template presents the navigation menu, a search bar, and the colophon. A peculiarity of 'Tomorrow' is the configuration file 'variables.php'. It collects some configuration data: * the date format, * the type of archive, * the text of the colophon at the bottom of the page, * the activation of the custom fields. The stylesheet includes also distinct instructions for printing. - System requirements: WordPress version 2.5 or newer. - Installation instructions: 1. Download the archive tomorrow.1.0.9.zip. 2. Extract the archive. You'll get a folder in which there is a folder called 'tomorrow'. 3. Upload the folder 'tomorrow' in the wp-content/themes directory provided by WordPress. 4. Select the Presentation subpanel into the WordPress Administration Panels. 5. From the Available Themes panel, click on the 'Tomorrow' screenshot to activate the theme. 6. Click 'View Site' at the top of the Panel's screen. - Customization instructions: To make the template files writable, you need to set their file permissions to '646' or '-rw-r--rw-'. You can set some user configuration variables editing 'variables.php', where default values are set for: * date format ( 'Y.m.d' ) * archive type ( 'monthly' ) * colophon ( 'theme: tomorrow by pacquola.org' ) * navigation links text( '« back | next »' ) * custom fields activation ( 'true' ). See instructions below. Under certain circumstances it may happen to see displayed custom fields not explicitly declared by the user. Typically, these values are silently inserted into the database by some Wordpress plugin, or through the importation of data from other blog platforms. If you want to avoid showing the custom fields, you need to set 'false' the value of the variable $showcustomfields, this way: $showcustomfields = 'false'; - Special classes and styled elements: The stylesheet defines classes for aligning images ('.alignleft', '.alignright', '.aligncenter'), for inserting images within a frame ('img.frame'), and classes for the generic alignment of content ('.left', '.center', '.right'). Below there are shown the examples of usage:

the image float to the left of this text


the image is centered


the image float to the right of this text


the image has a frame

this content is aligned to the left

this content is centered

this content is aligned to the right

- Changelog: 1.0.0 Initial release. 1.0.1 Released under Creative Commons GNU General Public License. 1.0.2 Minor corrections. 1.0.3 Corrected the appearance of the captions inserted with the function 'Add Image'. 1.0.4 Redefinition of the class 'frame'. 1.0.5 Redefinition of the function show_meta() for displaying custom fields. The user can specify the keys to hide in the configuration file. 1.0.8 Rearranged layout structure. Custom field function and search function both simplified. Added dynamic sidebars to the page template. 1.0.9 Both layout and stylesheet are refined; softer colours. 'Lucida' is now the default font for text. Refined the criteria used to show the meta-data (categories, comments, custom fields). Various minor corrections. ****************************************************************************************************************