The Sun, The Earth, The Moon, The Stars

Jesus, Yahweh, Jehova, Lord

I know that U put us all here for the cause

Everday I try my hardest to play my part

I focus my 3rd eye so i can see my role

Everyday i'm blessed to wake though - I play it how it go

It may seem like it, but we aint in control

Even though it is our choice to choose the proper road

This is a representation of the missing first half of the ubiqitous "falling" dream.

The Ascension.

My surmise, which is based on the fact that EVERYBODY has experienced this dream, is that it is a way for the subconcious to grap our attention.

Word on the street is that once you realize that you are in a dream that you can fly or do whatever your heart desires. If this rings true, then this is my gift of empowerment to you.

The viewing of this piece in addition to the knowledge you've just acquired will allow you to battle your subconcious subconciously.

*NOTE: Always remember though - What goes up,must come down...