
Get 10 pieces of long and wide paper each big enough to draw a full-size silhouette of your body. Choose the color(s) of your paper
carefully and with purpose. Lay down on each piece of paper in a different position and have a friend trace the silhouette of you in
that position. Again, think about the medium you are choosing to trace with. You may choose positions that allow for more or less
negative space, more or less clarity of your body as a recognizable human form. Of the 10 you make, choose your favorite 5 and tack
them up side by side so you can look at them individually and as a whole.

Now your job is to assign each silhouette a narrative. Each silhouette/narrative will represent one way you see and understand yo-
ur body and the things it is composed of. Once you have set the narrative tone for each silhouette, your job is to make each silhouette
into a body by filling it with relevant texts, icons, images and substances.

You are being asked to consider the relationship of your skin to the body that it cover. You may wish to maintain anatomically corre-
ct relationships in one silhouette, and completely rearrange or destroy them in another ; you may wish to write truths or falsehoods ;
you may wish to invent organs or entire bodies ; you may wish to work with various kinds of languages.
A type of source that may help :

                  The Body : An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism
                  George R. Elder (Editor)




