This is my final project. It
is a triptych of bodies, where the body of each panel is intended to be made up
of several people’s body parts. The center body is obviously less than
conventional, and this body is much more of an abstract fusion of body parts,
still formed from several “mismatched” body parts. I got the idea from those old
postcard photo stands they have in tourist areas, where you can put your head on
top of a cardboard cutout that shows a really buff body or a sexy swimsuit or
whatever and take a photo to bring home. Nowadays the things have evolved into
digital bluescreen replacement photos, putting you in some exotic location or
combining two people’s features to see what their “child” will look like, but I
was always fascinated by the old wooden ones at carnivals. I took a refrigerator
box (which had to be brought home poorly tied to the roof of my car, I was
driving 20 mph down Mo-Pac with my hazards on and it still kept sliding off),
cut off one side, lightly spraypainted the front to give it a nice texture, and
cut out the holes from the back. I think I like it because it also reminds me of
those old children’s books, where each page would have three horizontal sections
(a head, torso, and legs of an animal or some other creature) and you could mix
and match the pages to make new “aliens.”