Reading & Writing

Go to a palm reader. Pay to have your palm read. Go to a fortune teller. Pay to have your fortune told. Carefully record and describe
your experiences.

Go to :
Follow the instructions. Carefully record the results.

Go to :
Follow the instructions. Carefully record the results.

Go to the library or a bookstore. Utilize 5 references that are astral, spiritual or paranormal in nature. One example :
              The  Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers : The Complete Personology Reference Guide
              Saffi Crawford, Geraldine Sullivan

Make a list of the sources you consulted and record what each one revealed.

Once you've completed these excerises, write a narrative. This narrative should examine, in whatever tone or spirit you wish, how 
these individual experiences function to give you information about your "self" and your "body" and how you think the two are 
related. Whatever tone you choose for your narrative, it should be critical and well-written. Attach to this narrative as addenda the
4 excercises you completed prior to writing it.