********************************************** LinuxDeveloper.net Theme 1.01 (Updated) ********************************************** Credit Goes to: Ghetto Concepts ( Great graphics ) PHPClicks ( Superb modification) And Myself for the Header Inspired by Linux.com and others that i cant remember now! :-) email me if u think you should be in this box :) (PHPnuke-FB) almost forgot about him :) *********************************************** I cant promise this theme is perfect, but it's crossed coded for netscape, Opera and IE. Use it on your own risk, i'm not responsible for any damages. I dont ask much, just give me a link back to Linuxdeveloper.net and help this open source community to grow, by submitting Articles and helping others in the forum. And if you redo the theme, give a credit to me :) and those guyz who has contribute to this community :) KEEP THE OPEN SOURCE ALIVE! Ewdison Then ewdi@linuxdeveloper.net