You may be wondering just who 'we' are.

Presently, the primary users of the laboratory are students enrolled in classes in the sequence "Interface, Interaction, and Agency" taught by Professor Allucquere Rosanne (Sandy) Stone. The laboratory is also populated by Sandy's past students and by various friends of the laboratory.

Our intent is to continue to incorporate information relevant to the study of virtual systems (including topics of interfaces, interaction, and agency). Feel free to browse, and we encourage suggestions for material to be added.

This site is also reachable either via Gopher (port 70), or through anonymous ftp (

Note: All file downloads and uploads to the ACTLab are logged. If you do not wish to have your uploads and downloads logged, then do not use this site.

For problems with the system in general contact:
For problems with the ftp site contact:
For problems/suggestions for the gopher:
For problems/suggestions for the WWW server:
The ACTLab
Department of Radio, Television, and Film
College of Communications
The University of Texas at Austin