Convergent Media Area |
programs |
bs in rtf/convergent media 42 hour Certificate Program Exceeds standard requirements for graduation with BS in RTF For more information contact the Undergraduate Advisor through the RTF office: 512.471.4071 |
degree requirements |
RTF Lower Division
€RTF 305 €RTF 318 €2 Other courses from RTF 309, RTF 314, RTF 316, or RTF 317 RTF Upper Division (18 Hours) €5 Convergent Media courses (15 Hours from the following / course #s can be repeated): €Narrative €Performance €Space €Body €Vision €Sound €Science Please note: For each project completed by any student in any Convergent Media course, documentation must be provided in a web-ready version and on a CD-ROM (for archival purposes)--for information see web-ready project requirements Substitution/Petition Options for Convergent Media courses (use Departmental petition form): €Courses outside the Department (you are allowed to petition to count two courses outside the department as Convergent Media courses; students interested in this option must have permission from a faculty member in Convergent Media and the faculty member teaching the course) €Communication Technology and Policy courses such as 331M, 331N, or 331P (students interested in this option must have permission from a faculty member in Convergent Media and the faculty member teaching the course‹may also fulfill the studies requirement for the RTF Degree) €Social Issues courses such as 331K, 359, 365 (students interested in this option must have permission from a faculty member in Convergent Media and the faculty member teaching the course‹may also fulfill the studies requirement for the RTF Degree) •Other Requirements (12 Hours) €Portfolio Development (to be taken your last semester)--see portfolio requirements €1 Studio Course outside the Department (Art, Architecture, Theatre/Dance, etc.) which may be counted as one of the 5 Convergent Media Courses, allowing for an additional elective. €3 additional RTF classes (9 hrs) 6hrs of which may fulfill the Studies requirement •Non-RTF Communication Hours (6 hrs.) |
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