I will retell this dream in a way that seems appropriate.
In the dream, there were different texts going on, as though other worlds were
being sampled. Therefore, the form which I will use is rap, a la "Mo'
Money, Mo' Problems," represented visually. The songs running through the
dream were the theme from A View to a Kill and the theme song from The
New Scooby Doo show, which I may be alone in preferring to Scooby Doo,
Where Are You?.
IS LIKE................................................A..
ILL..............AND WE CAN...................
brother Christian and I were in a hospital. I believe it was the hospital where
my grandmother died. It had clean-looking white halls, but all the rooms were
dark and full of medical supplies and old furniture and pans. I was given some
reason to believe that Christian had betrayed us; and he ran off to do is own
thing. We decided then to split up, in order to discover where he had gone.
It was then that I realized that I was in an episode of Scooby Doo. The
dream pulled away to reveal a full-screen map, in black-and-white, showing me
going one way, while Fred, Velma, and Daphne went another. It was then that
I knew that I was Shaggy, and Christian, Scooby Doo. I searched the corridors
of the hospital, holding a chef's knife. Suddenly, Scooby Christian emerged
from a dark room. He came at me with a knife, but got it stuck on the wood molding
of the door. With my own knife, I could have killed him. But, in that moment,
the killing seemed rather extreme; so I didn't. Christian and I were quite happy
with the way things turned out. Then Grace Jones, dressed as her May Day character
from A View to a Kill, came out of a different room, wielding a stilletto.
She stabbed me through the heart. Christian and I used to like that movie when
we were kids.
ky ghost . . . shaggy is the newest what he does the most . . . we've got it
all together for a brandnewshow scoobydooishere and then . . . . . away we'll
go. . . . . while scoo by doo is run ning from a spoo ky ghost . . . spoo ky
ghost . . . shaggy is the newest what he does the most shaggy is the newest
what he does the most . . . come on get involved till the mystery is solved
. . . hang around for scooby doo that's my pal . . . we've got italltogether
for a b r a n d n e w . . . . . show. . . scoobydoo is here. .. . .. and then
away away away we'll go. . . while scooby doo is running from a spppooo ky ghost.
. . . . shaggy doo is doing what he does the most. . . . so come on get involved...
come on get involved... till.... the mystery issolved........hange around for
scooby doo. . . we've got it all together for a brand new show.... oh yeah...
now scooby doo is here. . . here. . . . here... . . and so away we'll go o o
o o while scooby doo is run ning from a spoooooooky ghost. . . shaggy is the
doing what he does the most the most so come on get involved... get involved...
till the mystery is solved yeah.. . . . hang around for scooby doo doo doo...
hang around for scooby.... that's my pal pal pal we've got it altogether for
a . . . brand new show. ... scooby doo is here..... and so away we'll go while
scooby doo is