Re: gender: topics

Subject: Re: gender: topics
From: Lindsey (
Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 04:15:26 CDT

Thats not fucked up dave, sad, but not fucked up. As a matter of fact a
friend of mine (in this class - you know who you are) and I used to joke
about wishing we were asexual. Of course, in a time full of college
boyfriends, that wish was for a completely different reason. According to
Christianity (ew the C word), the last person alive that was asexual was
Jesus. Maybe if we werent such sexual beings we could walk on water and use
the other 90% of our brains. But would that really be any fun? Im not
asexual, but that doesnt stop me from looking around and laughing at
people. Im of the belief that no one should take themselves or anyone else
that seriously (and lots of people must be doing it cause noone takes me
seriously). Anyway, it must be 2am cause im babbling...


At 01:58 AM 9/15/99 -0700, David DeMumbrum wrote:
>As an unattractive overweight person at an all boys high school a number
>of years ago, I distinctly remember telling a close mentor about my
>fantasies of being born 100% asexual. "That way I could just look
>around and laugh..."
>I recall him saying something to the effect of, "DeMumbrum, do you
>realize how SAD and FUCKED UP that is?"
>lindsey wrote:
>> yay! I like everyone's intros so far. I thought it might be time for an
>> actual topic tho. Did anyone notice the other day in class when Del said
>> that he/she (does anyone else see the need for a gender inspecific
>> prounoun?) didnt like talking to women because they made conversations so
>> covert? Basically what I heard is that we women manipulate others thru
>> conversation. Hmmm... I found myself thinking that if he/she (insert
>> appropriate pronoun here) were of a gender we could easily define, then
>> most of the females in the class would have been all over that arguing the
>> counterpoint. I found myself suddenly (and uncharacteristically)
>> unconfrontational due to the nature of the subject. It was a minor thing,
>> but i noticed it. Did anyone else?

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