neil alphonso
actlab student (1998-1999)
VisceralFlux.net (2D/3D graphics, game graphics and environments)
lane becker actlab student (1995-1999) www.adaptivepath.com (professional) monstro.com (personal)
trey bennett actlab student (2000- ) www.actlab.us/~treyb (sound and image dj, sampling, effects)
drew davidson actlab student (1997-1999) www.waxebb.com (new media producer)
jeremy gibson ACTLab student (1996-1999) http://www.jrgibson.com http://www.suckassgames.com - Pit
http://www.art.swt.edu/ComDes/ (Instructor, Communication Design / Art & Design department -- Southwest Texas State University. Classes include one designed to introduce students to the tools and design challenges of digital media and one which is based around exposing the students to the pressures and practices involved in collaborating in the digital media industry) http://www.digital-mercenaries.com (Digital Mercenaries president and cofounder (with Ethan Burrow -- ex-Human Coder). Developing innovative, on-line gaming experiences but also specialize in educational work) http://www.sbdanceworks.org (board of directors, Sharir+Bustamante Danceworks)
daniel hanna actlab student www.actlab.us/~dhanna
honoria interdisciplinary ph.d student, actlab student (1994-1998), honorary actlab fellow www.cyberopera.org (honoria in ciberspazio, the first internet opera) www.actlab.us/emma (electronic museum of mail art)
kurt russell hothan past actlabista (200-2001) www.actlab.us/~kaz/eugene (animation, film, tv, music, art)
heather kelly actlab (1994-1997) okbye.com/moboid (computer and video game creator)
brock kyle actlab student (1998-2000) www.everymac.com (web design and development)
vivian le actlab student (2000-2001) www.actlab.us/~bailey/play.swf (artist extraordinaire)
robert linton actlab student (2000-2001) www.actlab.us/~bailey/play.swf (web development, motion graphics, animation)
richard mackinnon honorary actlab fellow www.richmackinnon.com (cyberculture, cybergovernance)
donald mccaskill ACTLab student 1995-1999 donald@monkey.com for more info Donald worked for MONKEYmedia until it disbanded in 2001. Word featured in ID magazine. Recipient of numerous of awards. www.ropeswingdesign.com (founder, Rope Swing Design, with Paulus Trisnadi, Alice Clark, and Marc Lenburg)
brian c murfin actlab brother: 1992-1994, novitiate: 1994-1996, prebendary: 1996- present: votary and honorary actlab fellow www.armadillo.net (artist, inventor, engineer; goals: to live, to love, to learn)
kaz raad former actlab student and actlab fellow mango (2000 & up) www.actlab.us/~kaz (multimedia design, video/audio/graphic art) www.gankthemango.org (writing, graphic design, freelance creative)
vernon reed evolving the BIOAPPARATUS www.bioapparat.com
maciek sokalski actlab student (2000-2001) www.actlab.us/~maciek (effects) www.charlex.com
arie l stavchansky actlab student (1995-1998) www.andrew.cmu.edu/~arie (portfolio)
mike wabschall actlab student (1995-1998) www.wabschall.com/ After graduating, Mike worked as a producer at Human Code, producing projects for Disney, Mattel, and Hasbro. www.digital-mercenaries.com (director of sales, Digital Mercenaries)
steffen p walz actlab student (1998-99), actlab fellow www.playbe.com (computer mediated communication, performance and synaesthetics, virtuality)
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