What is Weird Science?

So, to start this bad boy off, let us answer what should be your first question. What is weird science? By nature, the world of science tends to come across as ‘weird' to anyone that's not involved in the field. Freak hail storms, static electricity, and germs could all feasibly fall under the term weird. But these examples are nothing compared to a few of the truly weird anomalies learned in class. Black holes, alternate universes, lucid dreams, all of these prove to be weirder/more fascinating than the previous. And it's this fascination which pulls us in, peaks our curiosity so to speak. We want to learn more, and it's in a class such as this that we have the opportunity to do so. What we've discovered is that no matter how simple or complex the subject, weird science can be found all around us at any given moment. It's a part of our lives that seems elusive at first, but one that can be thoroughly explained if one's properly motivated to find the answer. We feel as though this class took us a few steps further in finding/defining the true nature of weird science. Now let us show you what three creative advertising students were able to do when given the opportunity to do it.