Alien Life Around Us
Astronomers struggle to define the universe around us. They reach farther and farther in an effort to describe the indescribable. What comes from their study? What comes from the neverending search to some of the most bizarre questions? Today we have literaly thousands of recorded theories and possible explanations for why things are what are they are. I intend to look into one fo those theories and try to break it down into explanable terms.
Idea Description
The theory that I will be exploring is on concerning extraterrestial life. Most people have their own opinions of what it would be like, an whether or not it even exists. But a number of scientists have taken a stance that is wholly different to the common representations of alien life in movies and books. They present the possibility of a planetary, or galaxy sized life form. It is wuite a simple idea really. If you limit you search for "intelligent life" by defining intelligent as a "capable of interstaller communication" then you are merely looking for a life form that can and has manipulated radio waves. Then if you think about the make up of a galaxy, it is comparable to the make up of a human body. The planets and comets would act as carriers of the information necessary to sustain a life form. While this theory is unproven, it can not be disproven either which is why I chose it as the subject of my project for this class. |
Class Relation
How does it pertain to weird science? While watching the documentary on the Museum of Jurassic Technology we discussed what exactly makes something true or untrue. When the speaker says "Thats when it hit me, everything here is true... Sort of" I felt a tie between the idea of plantary life and the class. This theory also pertains to the concept of energy, what energy is, and the different types of energy, which relates to the projects we didconcerning the metal detectors.
Audience Response
I want the audience to feel imersed in a world much larger than their own. A world where there are numerous unexplained wonders that are just waiting for inquisitive minds to try to comprenhend them. A wold where anything can and dose happen.
Project Descipion
This project will consist of Written documentation concerning the ideas and conepts that the theory involves, aswell as a flash animatiom which will give the audience a visual depiction of what these scientists describe.