basswood and glue.

broadway. new york city. 1942.

piet mondrian decides to move to the united states. falling in love with jazz-induced rhythm and already having consumated a relationship with visual art, the neo-plastist painter decides to create a two-dimensional representation of the vitality, excitement, vibrant life of his experience.


26th street. austin. 2002.

amy khoshbin decides to take a convergent media class at the university of texas. falling in love with digital media and already having consumated a relationship with media studies, the student decides to complete her assigned project and create a three-dimensional representation of the vitality, excitement, rhythm of piet mondrian's two-dimensional experience.







busyness. assignments. a scanned image of a copy of a painting. the context and history of the artwork in relation to the context and history of the actual city. everything seems contextual- jazz, the square forms and choice of color, the life and energy in new york city at the time and the situation today. the history, a constant flow. the actual site of the painting and the city, a constant.



translation of one two-dimensional figure to another. the bigger blocks of color are hot spots. points of reference and rhythm. moveable. in flux and constantly changing.



basswood and glue. and glue. and problems.

the base comes first- levels, layers, and planes. askew and not streamline in form. then the holes painstakingly drilled by hand and an exacto knife. holes that are large enough to fit squares and circles. both are to fit- motion, mobility, and rhythm are key. pegs are cut. the geometric form of the peg and its corresponding height works with the hot spots of color. but everything has to move and flow. take the peg out and put it somewhere else. throw it away. insert it and create a musical punctuation.

next level. positioned on the most intense block. of color. created from the same wood as the base. but smaller and askew on only one side. new york city evolving with different holes and plots to work with. some the same, some unused. with the commonality of the place and history to keep it floating in midair.

final level. square. more focused and still forming. held in place and leaving room for more.






hello. i will now proceed to take you home.hello. i will now proceed to take you home.