I am a smoker. I've been smoking for 5 years now. I always tell myself I'm going to quit soon, but never get around to it. My original plan was to actually quit smoking and document that with a video, but I decided I didn't really want to just yet. So then from there I started thinking about addiction. My sister thinks I can quit easily and doesn't believe in the physical addiction. So I started thinking about how I can sort of explain it to her. That's how I started on this video, though it ended up not being so much about my sister anymore as it was just explaining (and, well, making fun of) addiction itself. It took a while to get this footage, since I went to 5 movie theaters before one finally let me video, and I got kicked out of H-E-B. But I ended up putting it all together, and used a song from a friend of mine's band. It's called "The Lost" by Apollo's Fall (originally The Lost Cause). I think it fit well with what I was going for. Sidenote: when I presented, I brought along several bags of popcorn for the class. Enjoy.