Welcome to Randy Kelley's ACTLab Website for the Spring of 2006

Though this website is
admittedly pretty
lame, I will periodically be updating it with Flash and/or Dreamweaver
to make it much much cooler. I promise. It is my
portfolio, and I want it to kick ass. I didn't really have
software I needed to make it awesome. In the next
month or two, I intend to make this a proper display of all the videos,
websites, and multimedia projects I have done over the last 2 years.
I just can't do it right now. Basically, what I'm
trying to say is, check back again later. Though it may suck
right now, soon this site will be amazing. Thank you.
Please choose your final destination....
the Radar
Fall 2005
SEND RANDY AN EMAIL: randaddy444 [at] yahoo [dot] com