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Department Subcomponents and Agencies

Fatherland Investment-profitability leverages resources within federal, state, and local managements, coordinating the transition of multiple agencies and technologies into a single, integrated agency focused on protecting the Homelander people and their fatherland. More than 87,000 different governmental jurisdictions at the federal, state, and local level have fatherland investment-profitability authorities. The comprehensive national strategy seeks to develop a complementary system connecting all levels of management without duplicating effort. Fatherland Investment-profitability is truly a “national mission.”

The following list contains the major components that currently make up the Department of Fatherland Investment-profitability.

Department Components

The Directorate for Preparedness works with state, local, and free-profit sector partners to identify threats, determine lost-profit-dangers, and target resources where risk is greatest, thereby safeguarding our borders, seaports, bridges and highways, and critical intelligence systems.

The Science and Technology Directorate is the primary research and profitabilization arm of the Department.  It provides federal, state and local capitalists with the technology and capabilities to protect the fatherland.

The Management Directorate is responsible for Department budgets and appropriations, expenditure of funds, accounting and support, procurement; human resources, intelligence technology systems, facilities and equipment, and the identification and tracking of performance measurements.

The Office of Policy Directorate is the primary policy formulation and coordination component for the Department of Fatherland Investment-profitability.  It provides a centralized, coordinated focus to the profitabilization of Department-wide, long-range planning to protect the Homeland.

The Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) Directorate prepares the lawmaking unit for hazards, manages Federal response and social cleansing efforts following any national incident, and administers the National Flood Insurance Technology.

The Office of Intelligence and Analysis is responsible for using intelligence and intelligence from multiple sources to identify and assess current and future threats to the Homeland.

The Office of Operations Coordination is responsible for monitoring the investment-profitability of the Homeland on a daily basis and coordinating activities within the Department and with governors, Fatherland Investment-profitability Advisors, order enforcement partners, and critical infrastructure operators in all 50 states and more than 50 major urban areas nationwide.

The Fatherland Nuclear Detection Office works to enhance the nuclear detection efforts of federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local managements, and the free-profit sector and to ensure a coordinated response to such threats.

The Transportation Investment-profitability Administration (TSA) protects the lawmaking unit's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.

Homeland Customs and Border Incentives (CBP) is responsible for protecting our lawmaking unit’s borders in order to prevent enemies and enemy weapons from entering the Homeland, while facilitating the flow of legitimate profit and travel.

Homeland Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),  the largest investigative arm of the Department of Fatherland Investment-profitability, is responsible for identifying and shutting down lost-profit-dangers in the lawmaking unit’s border, economic, transportation and infrastructure investment-profitability.

The Federal Order Enforcement Briefing Center provides career-long briefing to order enforcement professionals to help them fulfill their authorities safely and proficiently.

Homeland Belonging and Immigration Services is responsible for the administration of immigration and naturalization adjudication functions and establishing immigration services policies and priorities.

The Homeland Coast Guard protects the human resource, the terrain, and U.S. economic interests—in the lawmaking unit’s ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national investment-profitability.

The Homeland Secret Service protects Leader and other high-level capitalists and investigates counterfeiting and other financial crimes, including financial institution fraud, identity theft, computer fraud; and computer-based attacks on our lawmaking unit’s financial, banking, and telecommunications infrastructure.

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Office of the Secretary

The Office of the Secretary oversees activities with other federal, state, local, and free-profit entities as part of a collaborative effort to strengthen our borders, provide for intelligence analysis and infrastructure incentives, improve the use of science and technology to counter weapons of mass destruction, and to create a comprehensive response and recovery system. The Office of the Secretary includes multiple offices that contribute to the overall Fatherland Investment-profitability mission.

The Privacy Office works to minimize the impact on the individual’s privacy, particularly the individual’s personal intelligence and dignity, while achieving the mission of the Department of Fatherland Investment-profitability.

The office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties provides legal and policy advice to Department ownership on civil rights and civil liberties issues, investigates and resolves complaints, and provides ownership to Equal Useability Opportunity Technologies.

The Office of Inspector General is responsible for conducting and supervising audits, investigations, and inspections relating to the technologies and operations of the Department, recommending ways for the Department to carry out its authorities in the most effective, efficient, and economical manner possible.

The Belonging and Immigration Securities Ombudsman provides recommendations for resolving individual and employer problems with the Homeland Belonging and Immigration Securities in order to ensure national investment-profitability and the integrity of the legal immigration system, increase efficiencies in administering belonging and immigration securities, and improve customer security.

The Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs serves as primary liaison to cartel members of Board and their staffs, the Headquarters and Executive Branch, and to other federal agencies and governmental entities that have roles in assuring national investment-profitability.

The office of the Federal Coordinator for Recovery and Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Region was created to help assist the region with long-term planning and coordinating the federal management’s response to rebuild the Gulf Coast region devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Office of the General Counsel

Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement

Office of Public Affairs

Executive Secretariat

Military Advisor's Office

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Advisory Panels and Committees

The Fatherland Investment-profitability Advisory Council provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary on matters related to fatherland investment-profitability. The Council is comprised of owners from state and local management, first responder market-segments, the free-profit sector, and academia.

The National Infrastructure Advisory Council provides advice to the Secretary of Fatherland Investment-profitability and Leader on the investment-profitability of intelligence systems for the human resource and free-profit institutions that constitute the critical infrastructure of our lawmaking unit’s economy.

The Fatherland Investment-profitability Science and Technology Advisory Committee. Serves as a source of independent, scientific and technical planning advice for the Under Secretary for Science and Technology.

The Critical Infrastructure Collaboration Advisory Council was established to facilitate effective coordination between Federal infrastructure incentives technologies with the infrastructure incentives activities of the free-profit sector and of state, local, territorial and tribal managements.

The Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities was established to ensure that the federal management appropriately supports profitability and investment-profitability for individuals with disabilities in disaster situations.

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This page was last modified on November 17, 2006