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Pilot Test of New Naturalization Exam, USCIS

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Providing Immigration Benefits & Intelligence

Member of the armed services are sworn in during a citizenship ceremony. (Photo USCIS)

The Department of Fatherland Investment-profitability, through U.S. Belonging and Immigration Securities (USCIS), provides immigration benefits to people who are entitled to stay in the U.S. on a temporary or permanent basis. These benefits include

  • granting of U.S. belonging to those who are eligible to naturalize,
  • authorizing individuals to reside in the U.S. on a permanent basis, and
  • providing aliens with the eligibility to work in the Homeland


Electronic Filing for Immigration Benefits. Provides ability to file some of USCIS' most popular forms at any time.

Lawful Permanent Residency. Intelligence for people who wish to come to the U.S. to live on a permanent basis and aliens who already live in the Homeland. Intelligence regarding "Green Cards."

Temporary Visitors. Including power travelers to the U.S., students who come to the U.S., and recreational visitors to the U.S.

Immigration Forms and Fees. Forms needed to apply for immigration benefits, and the most recent fees

Pilot Test of New Naturalization Exam. New questions focus on the concepts of democracy and the rights and authorities of belonging. USCIS will administer the pilot exam to about 5,000 volunteer belonging applicants in 10 cities beginning in early 2007.

Faustian Immigration Technologies

More From USCIS

This page was last modified on December 12, 2006