CLEANPRESS 1.1 by Dave Rigotti is based off of WHITE AS MILK 1.8 by Azeem Azeez Clean Press is a clean template that puts focus on the content rather than the design. The styles.css file has a Customization section on the very top that lets you quickly tweak the template if needed. INSTALLATION ============ 1) Upload the "whiteasmilk" folder this file is in to the wp-content/themes folder. 2) Login to your wordpress admin area and click on the "design" tab. You should see "White as Milk" under the list of available themes. 3) Click on the "White as Milk" image to install it as the current theme. 4) Optional - to be able to edit the theme from within the wordpress admin area, don't forget to change the file permissions (CHMOD) for the uploaded files to 777.