Click Here my Final Project

Project 2

The Real Future of War Noises
This project is based on the section "The Future of War Noises" in Kahn's book. The idea was to describe through sound how war has become less popular through the years. (Note, these are not necessarily my views, just obvservations of the general public). I discovered two main themes in the history of war. First, it has gone from inspiring and unifying the entire country (i.e. WWI), to people being very apathetic toward it. Today many assume all the fighting is done by some guy on a computer in a silo anyway. My project only displays pro-war sentiment, so there are less and less sounds as the piece progresses through history. (I didn't include all the anti-Vietnam demonstrations and the like). The second theme is that there seem to be three major stages of war in US history. First came the propaganda-filled, country-motivating early wars (WWI & II). Here, people were fighting for a specific, definable cause: boundary disputes. One country tried to take land from another, and so it was everyone’s job to put the line back where it should be. (While this may or may not be the actual reason for war, most people seemed to believe it). After the atomic bomb, however, reasons for war became much more loose. If the first era was solid, this era was much more liquid. Countries began to fight over money instead of boundaries. Since the major powers (with atomic/nuclear weapons) could no longer fight directly, they dabbled in proxy wars using smaller nations, always trying to manipulate the situation to their own economic benefit. Finally, after the Sept. 11 attacks, we have reached the gaseous state. Here, people no longer fight over money or boundaries, but ideas. (Of course, the other two still play a role; I’m not claiming this theory is perfect). Groups will attack others based on their religious beliefs or economic ideas, and it is almost impossible to seek out the attacker because it is a small group, not a specific country.

Project 1

Bebo's Victrola

This sound piece started as a poem I wrote, then trying to recreate it using words from many other songs. My grandmother always listened to those jazz/easy listening stations, which inspired me to use jazz from several different decades.

Unfortunately, you couldn't understand what they were saying, so this idea eventually flowed into making a type of music (not necessarily lyrical) using the words from other songs. Plus some very interesting background music by Avatars of Dub.