
The following are the masterfully crafted film projects of Samantha P Lusk. A girl blessed with both a rapier sharp wit and Betty Davis eyes. Eat your hearts out boys.

I Love You More Than Me
Enjoy this snippet of melancholy existence as our protagonist follows Alice down the rabbit hole. Inside awaits a heroin-sheek drug din with more emotionally abusive males than you can shake a stick at.

Work In Progress >

Do Not Ingest
Watch the mood go dark and the suspense rise as a disgruntled wife plans the destruction of her well insured husband.

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Last Goodbyes
Follow Samantha as she interviews Lauren about the life of her dearly departed grandfather.

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Death Across the Lifespan
Final Project
A collection of interviews and stills that express different conceptualizations and visualizations of death across the lifespan.

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