This page contains the current set of administrative requests requiring your approval for the mailing list %(listname)s. First you will find the list of pending subscription requests (if there are any), followed by any mailing list postings being held for your approval.
For each subscription request, select Refuse or Subscribe. If you refuse the subscription, you can optionally add a reason for the refusal in the accompanying text box.
For each held posting, select the action to take by choosing one of
Turn on the Preserve option if you want to save a copy if this message for the site administrator. This is useful for abusive messages. Turn on the Forward to option, and fill in the forwarding address if you want to forward the message to someone else not on the list.
When you're finished, click on the Submit All Data button at the top or bottom of this page. This button will submit all selected actions for all administrative requests that you've made a decision for. If you don't want to make a decision for some requests, leave all the action radio buttons unselected, and that request will not be removed from the pending database. You can also