Interfaces between digital and analog realms
Immersive virtual environments Teleoperation
Technological prosthetics Performance and performance theory
Phenomenology of interface and interaction Virtual systems
Gender and sexuality in the postmillennium Transgender theory Nonpredicate communication
The complex interplay of science fiction and fictions of science
Traffic in the boundaries between art and technology
Storytelling beyond text
Sound, image, and imagination
A key ACTLab principle is that frequently the best work cannot by its nature be recognized within traditional disciplinary frames, and that cutting-edge work simultaneously creates the theoretical and methodological languages by which it is understood. From this idea flow practical
guidelines: for example, the principle that Production and Studies collapse into each other rather than co-evolve.
No matter how a curriculum is instantiated in course descriptions or syllabi, the ACTLab's unique strength inheres in the realization on the part of its faculty and students that the cutting edge never stands still, and therefore that any descriptive framework for innovation must of necessity be in continual transition. Our unique balancing act consists of articulating a coherent program while simultaneously trying to surpass it. More than anything else, this is what differentiates the ACTLab from other programs.