- jeremy beaudry, graduate research assistant
- pictopolis@hotmail.com
- office hours: wednesday and thursday, 12 - 2pm
- areas of interest: architecture, images of architecture (paintings,
drawings) and their interaction via memory
- doug denny, data wrangler
- dhd@actlab.us
- office hours: tuesday and thursday, 2 - 6pm
- areas of interest: programming; cryptography
- tray duncan, tutor
- tduncan@mail.utexas.edu
- office hours: friday, 3 - 5pm; sunday, 8 - 10pm
- areas of interest: sound; video/compositing; 3-d modeling/animation;
- niten kapadia, tutor
- niten@mail.utexas.edu
- office hours: wednesday, 1 - 3pm; sunday, 6 - 8pm
- areas of interest: video; image; design; digital/analog convergence
- kaz raad, tutor, former student
- kazraad@mail.utexas.edu
- office hours: by appointment (email)
- areas of interest: audio/video layering; design; urban decay
- carrie ruppar, teaching assistant (garrison, stone)
- cruppar@hotmail.com
- office hours: tuesday and thursday, 9 - 10am and 12:30 - 1:30pm
- areas of interest: women's studies
- kris swift, teaching assistant (krukowski)
- Raver99999@aol.com
- office hours: monday, 11am - 1pm; thursday, 5 - 6pm
- areas of interest: design; rtf
- tim wilkerson, teaching assistant (marslett)
- salam@mail.utexas.edu
- office hours: tba