Monstrosity And Othering


Modern societies thrive by establishing a binary opposition between "order" and "disorder," so that they can assert the superiority of "order." But to do this they have to have things that represent "disorder." This disorder becomes "the other."

In western culture, "the other" is anything non-white, non-male, non-heteroesexual, non-hygienic, non-rational, etc. The "other" has to be eliminated from the ordered, rational modern society.


Tequila As Other


A person drunk on tequila is almost ALWAYS "the other." Something about that liquor changes the human rational perspective. A person will lose their sense of "order." They will become possessed by the "other," tequila in this case, and take on a monstrous form.



The Video

My video project involved listening to other people's thoughts and stories about tequila and their other sides. I had trouble getting all of the people to be videotaped, so I decided to finish my video with a short poem I wrote called, "Quila Monster."

I had some people off the street read different lines of my poem in my video. Thus symbolizing different 'quila' monsters.


(The video is currently offline.)