SCP is secure password protected file transfer. Encrypts the password before you send it out. Watch out for dongles attached to keyboards for security.
Keyboard sniffers.
Free encryption programs; cute ftp is one of them.
Hacker sadism: tell their friends and tell them how elite they are. Hacking into systems to brag about it.
The ideological battle between nobody trust anybody online or trust all extremes, in between is reality. Dream is everyone to have free access to actlab.
ACTLAB had a MUD-Multi player avatar game with a head and microphone for voice.
We live in a time of beggars, thieves, and murderers and hackers that jump out of bushes.
Neuromancer’s full body cyberworld….
Count Zero and the oncoming of the voodoo gods; Maya Deren
All systems work in dynamic instability. A continual flow of order, balance, then to when they are out of balance and polarized. History reads this way. Perhaps this shaking up of things is what keeps us whole, vital, viable and strong. When thinking about fitness, this seems to justify this theory.
All human activity as a process of dying then moving on to another space. People die all the time.
One out of two will die from bird flu. 30 million Americans, she says.
Could I recreate the sounds of being eaten by a bear from Grizzly Man?