Death Class Notes

Mail first project Notes Texts Poll

May 2, 2006

Encoding can be done in quicktime pro on the mac export and make it medium broadband

Sound files can be opened in quicktime then export

Check webfile data on the Mac Firefox

Email ahead of time so I can get input on the website

Embedded quicktime on the website

BRING GELS SUNDAY for performance; talk to Jeremy to get lights set up

Get ladder ready to move for lighs set up

Get video ready before I start

Document/film the performance; three camera shoot of the performance

Get the script together with light cues

AIM actlab support

As I was flying around on this morgue you call academic nourishment, full of dead ideas, and blood sucking professors, I discovered a most remarkable text. Etched onto the edges of water, the dark coding from the temple of set, order of the vampire. All our secrets, magnificently coded into what looks like random scribblings of late adolescent narcissism and ego.

Language of our people, our vampire heritage, writ plainly before all these innocent human children, the beating hearts of the young, so easily persuaded, so smoothly convinced.

It was only three months ago that I learned the darker secrets of the academy when my advisor took me alone into her office. She shut the door. She stared at me, stared at me, glowered at me until I went numb. I shut my eyes, and, then…the sting of the dark kiss, the rapturous ecstasy flooded my body.

I have noticed the dark code of the temple of set, the order of vampire writ onto the blocks near the fountain.