Contemporary graffiti is, needless to say, extremely common. It exists in many forms, most of which are smaller and easily overlooked.
The Internet offers many examples of modern graffiti that can be entertaining, enlightening, or otherwise useful. It has been found that intellectual and highly humorous graffiti is also common on college and university campuses.
Whatever value one does or does not place on graffiti, modern graffiti often has a short lifespan. Regardless of the hopes of the creator, unlike ancient graffiti, modern works are often quickly painted or sandblasted or removed in some other way.
As it is clear that graffiti can hold value for its creator, the author feels that it should be preserved in some fashion for posterity.
Thus the author has collected examples of the more meritous, humorous, and relatively 'clean' graffiti found on the University of Texas at Austin campus.
What of the future of graffiti? Is it possible that bathroom walls and other public surfaces are an ultimate forum of concise communication? The author has extended this concept into a new and very weird realm...