Putting Together an EAD-Encoded Finding Aid for Museum or Archival Collections

EAD HEADER (information about the digital finding aid itself)
Since this information will change little, except the Title and encoder info, you could probably just create a template once with a text-editor and cut/paste it into future finding aids, or use an SGML author like SQ AUTHOR/EDITOR.

<!doctype ead public "-//Society of American Archivists//dtd ead.dtd (Encoded Archival Description (ead) Version 1.0)//en" "ead.dtd">
<ead id="bampfa-hofmann">
<titleproper>Hans Hofmann Collection at the UC Berkeley Art Museum</titleproper>
<repository>University of California, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive</repository>
 2625 Durant Ave<lb>
Berkeley, CA 94720<lb>
(510) 642-0808<lb>
fax: (510) 642-4889<lb><lb>
&copy; 1998 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.</p></publicationstmt>
<creation>Encoded by Richard Rinehart, 1998</creation>

FRONTMATTER or ARCHIVAL DESCRIPTION (essays, bios, collection overviews, etc)
Again, one could create a template here with a text-editor and just cut/paste in variable text such as the essays, scopecontent notes, and control access points inside the appropriate tags, or use an SGML author like SQ AUTHOR/EDITOR.

<archdesc level="collection"><did></did>
<subject source="ULAN" normal="Hans Hofmann"></subject>
<genreform source="AAT" normal="paintings, drawings"></genreform>
<corpname source="AAT" normal="abstract expressionist"></corpname>
<bioghist><head>Biography of Hans Hofmann</head><p>
Hans Hofmann created a distinctive primordial world
of color and light. He realized that in
painting, unlike in nature, cause and
effect are reversed: on canvas, color
creates light......</p></bioghist>
<scopecontent><head>Scope and Content of Collection</head><p>The Hofmann collection at Berkeley is the largest public collection of his works in the world. Including 50 paintings and numerous drawings and sketches both independent and related to the paintings....</p></scopecontent>

You could end the finding aid here, by just adding the closing </archdesc></ead> tags and you would have a short, collection-level finding aid. OR you could add the third section......

OBJECT or CONTAINER LIST (object records individually and in groupings)
Sample here shows one object record in a simple, non-heirarchical list. The markup starting with <co1> and ending with </co1> would be repeated for each object. You would probably want to generate this markup automatically, either directly when exporting from a database as text, or one could export from a database as tab-delimited text then create a macro or script in a word processsing program which would go down, line by line, and automatically insert the correct tags. The above portions would then be cut/pasted onto this list to complete the finding aid.

<dsc type="in-depth">
<co1 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
<daoloc altrender="link" HREF="" role="reference"></daoloc>
<daoloc altrender="inline" HREF="" role="thumbnail"></daoloc>
<origination><persname>Hans Hofmann</persname></origination>
<unittitle>Painting No. 12</unittitle>
<physfacet type="context-archaeological-excavationplace" source="CDWA">found during dig in Antilles</physfacet>
<physfacet type="materials-description" source="CDWA">oil on canvas</physfacet>
<physfacet type="materials-processes" source="CDWA">painted with mop</physfacet>
<dimensions>40 x 60 inches</dimensions>
<repository>Berkeley Art Museum</repository>
<admininfo><custodhist><p>Gift of Mr and Mrs. McGillicutty</p></custodhist></admininfo>
<odd><head>Transcription</head><p>"This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you, dear Snoopy"</p></odd>
<odd><head>Condition</head><p>Painting is in bad shape, having been painted with a mop, then for some reason, buried and dug up in Antilles</p></odd>
<head>Classification: </head>
<genreform source="AAT">paintings</genreform>

These three parts, put together in this order, would form one complete, detailed finding aid.

Further examples of simple and heirarchical container lists

The simplest container list would be a series of repeated object records with no heirarchy, such the one below. This example assumes a list of individual items (museum-style) but you could use this same structure for lists of paper/archival materials by changing the level attribute "item" to "series" and describing different portions of the archive.

<co1 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
[other elements]
<co1 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
[other elements]
<co1 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
[other elements]

A slightly heirarchical list would allow you to group items together based on several principles. For instance, you could have a finding aid describing the entire collection of a single artist. Each subgrouping in the larger container list could group together all the materials that were part of one work - i.e. all the documentation, photographs, artists writings, related to one work.

<co1 level="series" id="bampfa-hofmann"><did></did>
<p>This group includes several items related to the performace of Exilee in 1997....</p>
 <co2 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
 [other elements]
 <co2 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
 [other elements]
<co1 level="series" id="bampfa-hofmann"><did></did>

Or a finding aid might describe a larger collection including several artists. Each subgrouping could then list the works by that artist, with possible subsubgroupings brining together individual works. For instance

<co1 level="series" id="bampfa-hofmann"><did></did>
<p>This group includes works by artist X....</p>
 <co2 level="subseries" id="bampfa-hofmann">
 <p>This group includes several items related work Y by artist X....</p>
  <co3 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
  [other elements]
  <co3 level="item" id="bampfa-hofmann">
  [other elements]
<co1 level="series" id="bampfa-hofmann"><did></did>

DC Element Variable Media Art Works Variable Media
Encoded Archival Description CDWA MARC
title title
Letters Through Time
Flash or
Macintosh G4
unittitle title title (245)
creator artist
Macromedia Inc. or
Apple Computer Inc.
origination creation-creator title (100)
subject genre
net art
  subject subject matter-index terms subject (6xx)
description keywords
email, memory
born in...
I remember...
original url
link to variable media questionnaire
elements of appearance, function, and behavior
network role
scopecontent descriptive note note (520)
date date created
date released
unitdate creation - date publish (260)
type Type
Browser or Plugin or Server or robotics
genreform object type (007)
identifier Unique ID
current url
unitid repository no. note (024)
contributor Contributors-agents
Commissioner: New Langton Arts
Torchmate Inc.
origination creation-commission anywhere (700)
format Links to software & hardware
(See at right)
application or
os or hardware or installation
physdesc materials - techniques (007)
language Human language English base code
lang inscriptions
publisher current presenter
current owner -distributor Macromedia repository current locate-repository name reproduction
Note (533n)
rights rights and parameters
owners & restrictions
rights and permissions owners & restrictions admininfo copyright - restrictions rights (540a)
coverage version
storage size
storage location CD no. 15
4.0 or
PPC 604 chip
storage size
storage location CD no. 16
geogname measurements publish (651)