Week 1
Thursday, August 29
Roster check and general introductions
Week 2
Tuesday, September 3
Course overview
#1 distributed
Reading: choose one book from list of readings on time (on reserve at PCL)
Assignment: write a one page summary report
Thursday, September 5
In-class model making exercise
Bring: found objects, x-acto knife and blades, scissors, glue, cutting
mat, music (journal entry)
Reading: survey a few of the books on modelmaking
Assignment: e-mail 10 observations about modelmaking to listserv2
Friday, September 6
Convergent Media orientation 6pm
Week 3
Tuesday, September 10
In-class drawing exercise
Bring: paper, graphite, charcoal, music
Reading: survey a few of the books on drawing (on reserve at FAL)
Assignment: e-mail 10 observations about drawing
(Harvey Cards) to listserv
Thursday, September 12
On Documenting
Dreamweaver and server directories
Week 4
Tuesday, September 17
#1 due Pagosah
Prior to class, install models and drawings in CMB 4th floor hallway
Pictures of the original Model
Drawings of
the original Model manipulated in Photoshop
Documentation with pictures.
More pictures of the original
found model
model on display
Remade model after original was destroyed. -pending
Thursday, September 19
#2 distributed
Week 5
Tuesday, September 24
Reading: Norman Bryson, Looking at the Overlooked: Four Essays on Still
Life Painting and survey books on Still Life (on reserve at FAL)
Exercise- Tell me what you see in my
Thursday, September 26
Seeking Still Life
In-class drawing exercise
Bring drawing materials (your choice)
Week 6
Tuesday, October 1
#2 report and discussion
Be prepared to present your work--bring work in process
Thursday, October 3
Writing Still Life
In-class writing exercise
Bring scissors, paper, writing implements, glue
Reading: survey books on performance (on reserve at FAL)
Week 7
Tuesday, October 8
Work Session
Reading: consider book making and book binding (some sources on reserve
at PCL)
Thursday, October 10
#2 due
Prior to class install photographic timelines in hallway of 4B, bring
Week 8
Tuesday, October 15
#3 distributed
Reading: survey books on Joseph Cornell (on reserve at FAL)
Thursday, October 17
On Montage
Reading: Annette Michelson, ìThe Wings of Hypothesis: On Montage and the
Theory of the Intervalî in Montage and Modern Life and survey books on
montage (on reserve at Fine Arts Library)
Week 9
Tuesday, October 22
Thursday, October 24
On Interactivity
Reading: Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media, pp. 55-61, 205-211.
Assignment: post 10 sites with interactive projects to listserv
Week 10
Tuesday, October 29
#3 report and discussion
Be prepared to present your workóbring work in process
Thursday, October 31
Work Session
Week 11
Tuesday, November 5
#3 due
Prior to class set up boxes on tables in 4B, copy .swf files to teaching
Mac folder (make sure your file has your name on it)
Thursday, November 7
#4 distributed
Week 12
Tuesday, November 12
Tracking Time
Bring a time-keeping device
Reading: survey books on marking time (on reserve at PCL) and books of
hours (on reserve at FAL)
Thursday, November 14
Time Keeping
In-class time-keeping exercise
Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes
Week 13
Tuesday, November 19
Mapping and Charting
Reading: visit PCL map room and survey books on map making (on reserve
at PCL)
Thursday, November 21
Making maps
In-class mapping exercise
Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes
Week 14
Tuesday, November 26
Work Session
Reading: survey books on time and art and music pieces for rest of
semester (on reserve at FAL)
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 15
Tuesday, December 3
Work Session
Thursday, December 5
Work Session and Evaluations
Mandatory attendance
Saturday, December 7
#4 due
Final Review, 9am-6pm
Websites and CD-ROMs due