Project 1: Rain, Rain, Rain

My first project was a happy accident of timing, coincidence, and some haphazard planning. I imagined a creepy soundscape comprised of some audio clips that exemplified my own personal delirium. I combined a rain relaxation audio track, some vocals I recorded, a bit from this crazy cassette tape with people laughing hyterically, a few omninous notes from a keyboard and static from a weather radio, all of which comprised a soundtrack for a pseudo-performance piece featuring a giant little girl trapped in a happy rainstorm.

I built the set out of PVC pipe, the cloud out of foam core, and the rain drops out of foam with pennies sandwiched between each piece to give them weight. My crappy flood light lit the scene, and my actor, Zak Loyd, balanced an umbrella and a weather radio. At the predetermined cue, he turned it on and slowly raised the volume. When the soundtrack cut out, the creepy computer voice on the weather radio made a few predictions, and with the lights, cut out as well.

Video from the performance

Audio from the project
(there are several seconds of silent buffer; hold tight!; best with headphones)