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These are my skills. Some are more full than others. That full one is writing. I'm a very good writer. This nearly empty one is speaking. I'm not such a great speaker, as you've probably noticed from my virtual silence over the course of the semester. There's analyzing, teaching, leadership, and creativity. I'm not doing so bad on those.

These are to remind me of the attributes I hope I can embrace in the future. A figure of my dog, to remind me to be patient. My dog is extremely neurotic. I often refer to him as my autistic child, because he requires a lot of patience.

A snake, for wisdom.

A little humble pie because I sometimes come across as arrogant. Although, sometimes it's useful to act aloof. My friend Bryan taught me that. He carried himself with an attitude that screamed 'look at me, I'm a celebrity'. People would stop him and ask, "Aren't you that guy..." "Yes", he'd say, pulling down his sunglasses and smiling before he walked off. His act us a lot of free drinks.

A four leaf clover, for luck. A dove for peace. A bee for diligence.

An apple for health. An anchor to help me remain steadfast in stormy times.

A heart, with the names of all the family, friends and partners I've ever loved.

