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That's all the virtues. What else do we have here? My memories! As you can see, they're getting a bit blurry around the edges.

Ah this is good. My secrets. Let's see what I can share with you. Broken promises, mistakes, lies, sexual fantasies, hmm that's a good one. Ah ha!, childhood secrets, that's fairly innocuous.

I still feel bad when I imagine how traumatizing that must have been for her, being rejected by the first friend she came out to.

Well, I guess those aren't secrets any more.

I think that's about it. Oh wait, there's one more thing. Hmm, I don't know what this is. looking at box. Oooooh, I think this is a little something Pandora asked me to look out for.

Well, that really is everything, my arsenal for facing the world on my own. Is it enough? I mean, it doesn't seem like enough. I don't know if I'm ready, but I guess there's only one way to find out.