spring 2009

A Still From "The Sort"

The Story:

The main character is sorting through her day's visual and aural stimulus to make sense of what she's experienced. The texts of the days experiences is a summary of our semester in Dream & Delirium. The inspiration for the story comes from my experiences of classmates' artwork, ideas, and conversation. Can you see a reflection of one of your contributions? I believe I have included images to represent each member of our class. Obviously, the process by which I created this and much of the conciousness exploration is inspired by Sandy Stone.


Using text, voice over, recorded music, and juxtaposing multiple sets of images on 6 screens creates a representation of the multiple data input sources in modern, Western society and recreates the great demands it makes on our sleeping minds. Hopefully, with humor.

By setting the viewing screens at perpendicular angles, I hope to add some physical depth and distortion to the images. Onscreen realestate managment is one of the biggest challenges and one of the places where I hope to learn from this experimental screening.

The format is a photo/aural montage: some found, some gathered, some created by myself.

This will be one in a series of such projects I hope to create. I hope to create them as ongoing archelogical, theatrical, character studies through time.


  • 6 screens
  • 2 projectors run from laptop computers
  • Sound (also driven from the computers)
  • Software:
    PhotoShop, Final Cut Pro


makeathon - 2Lens
projectone - gretl


there is no place like ...

projectII..May 16.09

the sort
a prototype

A video installation exploring the process of mental sorting that many scientists believe happens in dreams.



Artists whose works I used:
(Check them out!)

Stills, paintings, collage, and more: JR, Camille Rose Garcia, Rob Buelteman, Carolyn Cole, Eliot Porter, Herakut, Jeffery Becom, Irving Greines, Kassel, Lynn Geesman, Maggie Taylor, Paul Outerbridge, Ryohei Hase, Thomas Keely, Michael Thompson, Amy Crehore

Other Images: Boerman - Musical Score , Artlebedev.com - Umbrella, Lots of NASA Hubble footage + broadcast commercials

Music:Jerry Jeff Walker's "Hill Country Rain", "Track 13" from Tango Crash, Devotchka's "The Clockwise Witness" from A Mad and Faithful Telling, theme from Jeopardy and The Apprentice.

Thanks for allowing me to tap into your vision and warp it with my own. And thanks to all my teachers (disguised as classmates) and our lovely, inspiring professora, Sandy Stone.


Actlab Home Page

judy thomas - austin tx - 512.448.1982 - judy@xozone.com