(Above) Tides Motel Meeting, Bayville, N.Y., August 1, 1993

The "Tides Motel Meeting" is an example of Ray Johnson's add-on stragegy of using a third person as an intermediary, in this instance Crackerjack Kid. Johnson's pen inscribed instructions can be seen through the paper in reverse; "Please send to Fa Ga Ga Ga." In this particular mailing, all parties were known to one another and Crackerjack Kid was aware that Youngstown, Ohio lawyer Mark Corroto (a.k.a. Fa Ga Ga Ga) had meet with Ray Johnson, presumably in Bayville, New York.

Crackerjack Kid's intervention (Above) included changing the bunny faces into cow teets, changing "New York" to "Moo York," and Bayville to Bovine, N.Y. Not wanting to be left out of the Tides Motel Meeting, Crackerjack masked out a name adding his own to the last bunny face in the lower right hand corner of the page. That done, the Kid xeroxed and mailed two copies; one to Ray Johnson and the other to Fa Ga Ga Ga (Mark Corroto).

In a matter of days, Ray Johnson shot back his add-0n "corrections" to Crackerjack Kid. "The kid's "Moo York" remained unchanged, but Johnson applied correction fluid over "Bovine, N.Y." and inscribed "Bouvier, N.Y." The gameplay on words grew when Johnson wrote "Boy, Gurl" with the cow teet determining gender spelling. The kid's nom de plume, normally a genderless pseudonym, was altered to "Cracker Jacqueline." Crackerjack responded with a rubberstamp "Cowlicks Issue," placed in the upper right-hand corner of the sheet, as if to certify the official closure of the correspondence triage.

Ray Johnson Bunny

Ray Johnson Death Stamp

Ray Johnson's Last Self-Portrait

Carole Bombard

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