I know what you're saying:

"Slow down, Mr. Speedy Gon-zonkers! I'm new to this whole 'alternate sleep schedule thing. I need some more info!"

Well here's what I say to that:

"Well, first take a look at some of the other (stupid) alternate sleep schedules, like Polyphasic Sleeping. You will surely realize that that solution is highly unrealistic and I highly doubt anyone has ever actually stuck to it for more than half a day."

Then you would say:

"But Aaron, I feel like the Perpetual Sleep Solution is too dangerous! If I'm so active for 25 minutes straight, don't I run the risk of collapsing from all that exertion?"

Well here's what I say to that:

"Well, yeah I guess that's possible."

Then you would inquire:

"Why do you have to start every statement with 'Well,' ?"

Then I would say:

"Oh, I didn't realize I was doing that. Is it obnoxious?"

And you would say:

"No, just wondering. Anyway, I'm still not sure if I could trust this ridiculous sleep schedule. Where did you hear about? A legitimate source? Is it endorsed by any certified doctors?"

Then I would say:

"Well, of course! Everything's totally legitimate. Introducing Perpetual Sleep's leading researcher and long-time perpetual sleeper, Dr. K "


Perpetual Sleep
