Soundscape Jukebox
The above music player features three audio tracks. Listen to each via the music player above. "Funkin A 108" is the key audio track in Project 03. "Can't Freeze Time," is a key audio track in Project 02. "Skate Track" is a key audio track in Project 01.
12/06/09 - I presented "The Funkuation," a formula for a hit funk song, after thoroughly analyzing 150+ funk songs. View Project 03.
10/09/09 - I performed live electronic music, a new skill set, with a 6-member band that I joined just three weeks prior. View Project 02.
09/05/09 - I recorded the sound of a skateboard in action, harnessing the rider's experience. View Project 01.
About Cabe Lindsay's Soundscapes
I am Cabe Lindsay, an innovator in new media, specializing in promotional and studio art. As of Fall 2009, I am a Master's of Art candidate in Advertising at UT. The soundscapes featured on this website are experiments in sound, designed to educate and enlighten through exploratory experiences. The three projects that appear on this website are created as part of an ACTLab Soundscapes course at the University of Texas in 2009.
12/6/09 Project 03 - The Funkuation
Summary: “What happened to the funk music genre?” I asked this question, and dug into the study of this extraordinary music. I found out that funk music is very much alive today, though less popular than it was at its peak. Through my extensive research, I discovered the definitive aspects of funk music, and then developed an equation that measures one song's funkiness compared to another's. I compiled a spreadsheet to study 150+ funk songs, and thoroughly analyzed them, ultimately ranking my list in order of funkiness. The winner was Curtis Mayfield's song, "Superfly." Essentially, I created a system for measuring a song's likelihood of popularity as a true funk song. View Project 03.
10/28/09 Project 02 - Pepper Lane
Summary: In this elaborate learning experience, I discovered how to arrange music for a 6-piece band, and perform as a member of this group. I transitioned from a folk singer-songwriter to an electronic DJ. I invested 100+ hours into writing new music, rehearsing, and performing with a band, all over the course of just one month. My efforts were presented on stage at a concert in downtown Austin, Texas in mid-October. View Project 02.
9/23/09 Project 01 - Shredhead
Summary: Inspired to capture symbolically the impression of riding a skateboard, I discovered and defined 4 elements in the experience. There are three audio tracks that make up this soundscape, representing: (1) literal sounds; (2) figurative physical sounds; and (3) thoughts. The fourth element is the visual aspect. Each is described below. View Project 01