About Us

CHEESE was started as an iniciative to provide truly inexpensive and affordable eating alternatives to the poorest of the poor as a response to the rising food prices.

In just three years, the price of staple foods like wheat, corn and rice has almost doubled, and if left unchecked, global food shortages could set the world back seven years in the fight against extreme poverty.


The problem with other low-cost food alternatives is that they are often not native to the land, and are thus not widely available, in turn causing the poor to become dependent on aid. These low-cost alternatives are also not native to the culture, and are thus unsatisfactory to the natives, causing them to revert back to starvation, or worse, a life of crime.

CHEESE not only provides low-cost eating alternatives, but we also teach the poor to use the resources mother nature has given us, all around us, to feed their families. Not being able to feed oneself, and most importantly, one's family, can be demoralizing. CHEESE changes that by empowering the poor, teaching them to use the resources most pravalent in their environment to feed themselves and their families.

The CHEESE way

CHEESE aims to provide a fully satisfying, low-cost eating experience through technology. Using small iPods preloaded with images and sounds of food, paired with out Low-Cost Pattie™, the CHEESE method provides a fully sensory eating experience that is truly satisfactory, natural, inexpensive and accessible--and more importantly, renewable.

Where do the iPods® come from?

Some iPods are generously donated by Apple, enabling otherwise excess iPods to not go to waste and be put to good use. Others are donated by people just like you. All we ask is that the iPods have photo displaying capabilities. We'll take any iPods, but we prefer smaller iPods (such as nanos) for shipping convenience.

Please send your iPods® to:

1044 Camino La Costa, Ste 3102
Austin, TX 78752

All iPod® donations are tax deductible.

What are Low-Cost Patties™?

Low-cost patties™ are made with organic mud*. The mud is purhcased in the United States and insterted into CHEESE starter kits. Ultimately, we want to teach people to be resourceful with what they find in their environment, and adapt their rich, native mud into their everyday diets.

Why mud?

Why not? Eating mud has been tabboo for centuries. Truth is, mud is rich in nutrients. If it's good enough to feed the veggies we grow, it's good enough for us.