computer box is a world of itself.. Inside it live hundreds of tiny
particles, cables, and electronic components. They form cities and
highways, a world unknown to many of us. But what if you made a world
that anyone can understand? Something that transfers people to another
place...? A place that feels "techy" and futuristic, and
unknown, yet is full of artifacts that we all can relate to! That
idea gave birth to the DollHouse. |
house where nothing touches the floor, it gives the illution of
everything floating in the air...
is designed to transfer you that other world. Yet, it is deprived
of anything technological. The elevator is operated manually, the
various furniture pieces are removable by hand, and the TV screen
is nothing more than a picture. |
even with its simplicity, it manages to effectively transport you
to another time, another place...
you don't believe me take the tour! |