Angry Ropes
    As angry as I was when I started this project ( see original proposal ), as the semester went by, the goal I wanted to reach and my own personal drive, this anger I mention there, all of this seemed to fade away into apathy and nihilistic tendencies overcame my bitterness. By the time projects were to be completed, I had practically lost most of my bitterness, and sadness and frustration resided without anger or destruction and violence.

    It seems now with hindsight that my bitterness and anger may not have been the real source of this motivation, for as you will see or perhaps have already seen, the installation I ended up building did not convey anger as much as it did claustrphobia, fear, frustration and anxiety.

    Through the wonderful process of building this 'interesting', hmm to say the least, structure, I found out how difficult it is to convey a message, an emotional message, through modification of space and vision, the two main themes of the overarching structure framing my research and work.

Let's visit the beast...

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Courtesy of Disturbed Type Foundry