I decided to show this moment in a box because this is the one moment where you close yourself out of your environment and look deep within yourself. The insides of the box used strips of foam core placed carelessly on top of each other in order to create a darkness with no fixed depth, despite being in the confines of a box.
The outside of the box was covered with my notes, because they are representative of myself and he composite of all my thoughts put on paper. I used a plastic baby sitting on a jagged glass throne to symbolize the vulnerability of the moment and the pain of finding yourself and the added pain of being confused over finding your many selves and having to pick one over the other.
The three dolls looking over the baby were the selves which were made out of the same mould but had different treatments to them. One of them was untouched, another was blindfolded and the last one had a burnt face. I didn’t want the dolls to look completely different because they are all inside the thoughts of the same person who has been here ever since the dawn of time.