(please note, this text was modified and mangled from www.sandystone.com, old actlab sites and unknown sources that showed up late one night.)

This course explores the theory,
history, and practice – mostly practice -- of technology and
performance as sociopolitical intervention. This includes
performance in an urban context: site-specific and street theater,
puppetry, environmental theater, culture jamming (including radio,
television, billboards and recording), and digital
Class is in studio and
discussion format. This means that your active
participation is a requirement of the course. During the semester
we expect you to contribute your own ideas and arguments to the
discussions, and to be willing to take the responsibilities and
risks such contributions imply.
There are no written
exams. Instead you will use the theories and tools you acquire
during the semester to MAKE STUFF!
about some aspect of performance as a public
practice. What you make can be in any form: sound, installation,
video, computer animation, collage, sculpture, assemblage,
performance -- you name it. You will do this in stages, starting
with simple projects and moving to more complex ones, using humor,
irony, uncommon approaches, and bizarre techniques.
To download
a sample syllabus in .pdf format Click
Here are some resource we use for the course:
Artaud's "Manifesto in a Clear Language"
Radical Theatre
The Diggers Movement - radical performance art in San Fransisco
www.zi-activism.net - guerrilla theater troupe
Applied and Interactive Theater Guide - tips and info
RTMark - fight the conglomos!
TopLab - Interactive Theater Workshops for Social Change
El Teatro Campesino: Interview With Luis Valdez
Installations and Performances
Culture Jamming
The Fluxus Performance Workbook
Fake Roadsigns (Warning: Lots-o-Flash)
Women in Art / Art As Politics
Machinima example: "A Few Good G-Men"
Justin's Drama and Theatre Links
Short History of Radical Puppetry
Another short history of radical puppetry
Peter Schumann: Puppets, Bread, and Art
Puppeteer's Cooperative Home Page
Kathi's Links to All Things Puppet
Masks and Masquerade
Short Anthropological History of Masks
Alternative Press
The Guerrilla News Network - alternative press
The Ruckus Society - subversive training and information
UtNe - environmental and politcal alternative media
BBC News - British Broadcasting Network
Ode to Michael Moore - must read!
Anarchy - "a journal of desire armed"
Z Communications - "the spirit of resistance lives"
Independent Media Center - alternative press
Artaud's "Manifesto in a Clear Language"
The Diggers Movement - radical performance art in San Fransisco
www.zi-activism.net - guerrilla theater troupe
Applied and Interactive Theater Guide - tips and info
RTMark - fight the conglomos!
TopLab - Interactive Theater Workshops for Social Change
El Teatro Campesino: Interview With Luis Valdez
Installations and Performances
The Fluxus Performance Workbook
Fake Roadsigns (Warning: Lots-o-Flash)
Women in Art / Art As Politics
Machinima example: "A Few Good G-Men"
Justin's Drama and Theatre Links
Short History of Radical Puppetry
Another short history of radical puppetry
Peter Schumann: Puppets, Bread, and Art
Puppeteer's Cooperative Home Page
Kathi's Links to All Things Puppet
The Guerrilla News Network - alternative press
The Ruckus Society - subversive training and information
UtNe - environmental and politcal alternative media
BBC News - British Broadcasting Network
Ode to Michael Moore - must read!
Anarchy - "a journal of desire armed"
Z Communications - "the spirit of resistance lives"
Independent Media Center - alternative press