Have you ever wanted
to just leave everything behind and just go somewhere? Anywhere? I
know I have. Well, to bad......You CAN'T. Your pampered city slicker
butt probably couldn't last more than a week in the wild.
A couple of my friends and I decided
to make Spring Break 2002 a low key event. No Mexico, no South Padre,
no New Orleans, and most importantly, no jail.
We decided to hike around the Ozarks
for a couple of days. We over-packed our "tough enough for
Mount Everest" backpacks that were totally overdoing it for
a couple of days in the backcountry and headed toward Arkansas.
There, I met the inspiration for my story, the Wildman of Arkansas.
He suddenly crept up upon us, said he was "the Wildman y'all
been readin' about" and just as suddenly dissapeared into the
He said he'd logged thousands of
hours building trails and was sad that the forest was dying. Here
we were, a couple kids that were just pissed off that everything
was dead, talking to the Wildman, who was genuinely heartbroken
that his beloved forest was dying. I could feel the sorrow in his
voice as he spoke to us.